Teaching and Learning

Data Science Programme Flyer

R-Based Data Science Training for Public Sector Officials

During my time in the Ugandan Ministry of Finance and Planning (MoFPED) in 2020/21, I developed and tought an R-based data science training programme aimed at public sector officials performing economics-related tasks. It consisted of 6 short (2-day) courses (8 were planned) with in-class and homework exercises. Some of the material in advanced courses may be outdated now given the rapid evolution of open source software (although I use robust libraries). I believe my base R training (Course 1) is quite thorough.

Quantitative Spatial Economics in Julia

For my learning, I replicated two prominent spatial economic modeling papers in Julia ["Goods, factor mobility and welfare" by Stephen Redding (JIE 2016) and "Quantitative Spatial Economics" by Redding and Rossi-Hansberg (ARE 2017)]. The code, including papers and the author's MATLAB implementations, is available on GitHub. As listed under Software, I also replicated "Optimal transport networks in spatial equilibrium" by Fajgelbaum & Schaal (Econometrica 2020), creating OptimalTransportNetworks.jl.

Compact Summaries of Graduate Math/Economics Courses

During my training, patricularly the Master in International Economics (MIE) (a rigorous 2-year programme with first-year sequences in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics), I created compact Latex summaries of some of the material, which you can find below. These are all editable and imperfect/incomplete, and may contain minor errors or spelling mistakes. Feel free to add content or corrections to these summaries if you find them useful (and your name if you do make edits)! Feel free to reach out with any questions. If you are an economics student looking for more general resources, I recommend to start here.

Math for Economists




Another great resource are the slides of the Stanford course Advanced Topics in Econometrics. Also check out Econometrics Academy, a terrific practical resource. On YouTube, Ben Lambert offers excellent introductory and advanced courses (theoretical orientation).